The Wellness Retreat: Redefined

Resiliency Co. stands out from typical wellness retreats by offering a unique and tailored approach to resilience building that goes beyond traditional offerings. Our emphasis on fostering resilience at its core, nurturing the mind, body, and spirit, sets us apart. Through personalized assessments and a diverse range of modalities, including somatic stretch, mindfulness, neurofeedback, EMDR, massage, nature walks, grounding, group sessions, and coaching, we provide a holistic experience geared towards lasting well-being and success.


Neurofeedback is a method to help your brain perform better. It's like practicing exercises for your brain to improve attention, focus, and mood. It involves playing games and doing brain activities to strengthen your brain, similar to how workouts at the gym make your body stronger.

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Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, or EMDR, is a secure and useful therapy used to assist those who have gone through traumatic or upsetting experiences. Using a variety of approaches, an experienced EMDR therapist will work with you to help your brain process painful memories or emotions in a less upsetting way. By addressing negative ideas and emotions, EMDR can improve your quality of life by facilitating your ability to overcome obstacles and lead a happier, more comfortable life.

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Group Therapy

Group sessions in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) are planned interventions designed to enhance mental health and overall wellbeing. In CBT groups, people learn to recognize and change harmful thought patterns and behaviors, concentrate on the here and now, and create coping mechanisms for a range of difficulties. DBT groups, on the other hand, place a strong emphasis on developing skills in four important domains: interpersonal effectiveness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and mindfulness. In a group setting, these methods offer a nurturing atmosphere where people can pick up new abilities, develop their self-awareness, and practice practical techniques for controlling emotions, strengthening bonds with others, and encouraging personal development.  

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The ability of massage treatment to trigger the body's relaxation response lowers stress chemicals like cortisol and raises "feel good" hormones like serotonin, which is why massage therapy is helpful for mental health.Through encouraging relaxation and easing tense muscles, it can aid in the relief of stress, anxiety, and depression. Furthermore, oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine are released when a person touches another person during a massage. These chemicals support emotions of enjoyment, relaxation, and connection. All things considered, massage therapy is extremely important for regulating stress hormones, elevating mood, increasing vitality, and promoting mental health. 

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Somatic Stretching

Somatic Stretching is a kind and deliberate form of exercise that targets the body's ability to relax and release tension in its muscles. It entails deliberate, gradual motions that are dictated by the sensations that the muscles have in various postures. The goals of somatic stretching are to improve the mind-body connection, raise body awareness, and assist people in easing discomfort brought on by stress. Somatic stretching promotes reduced tension, increased flexibility, and general well-being by helping the practitioner become aware of the body's sensations and reactions.

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Nature Walks

Walking bilaterally, which incorporates coordinated motions on both sides of the body, can be incorporated into a physical fitness routine or rehabilitative program. It enhances balance, stability, and general body coordination by concentrating on the left and right sides of the body's coordination. In order to improve mobility and functional capacity, this kind of movement is frequently employed in rehabilitation and gait training, especially for people recuperating from neurological disorders or injuries. Bilateral walking, which includes strolls in the outdoors, can also improve mood, general wellbeing, and cognitive performance. 

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Psychoeducation is a planned therapeutic intervention that aims to educate patients about their mental health issues and the range of possible treatment options. Through the development of self-care skills, the promotion of a greater awareness of diseases, and the enhancement of resource utilization in the social and relational context, it empowers individuals. This intervention assists the stabilization and empowerment of individuals who have endured attachment traumas or complex traumas. In addition, psychoeducation seeks to improve emotional control, offer a foundation for integration, and situate the therapeutic alliance within a cooperative motivational framework. 

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The Consultation

One of our coaching staff members will guide you through a personalized assessment process to understand your unique needs and challenges. This assessment is designed to gain insights into your current state of well-being, establish wellness goals, and identify areas that require attention and support.

You will receive a comprehensive review of the modalities offered at the retreat, ensuring that you have a clear understanding of each approach and its potential benefits. This in-depth explanation will cover how the combined wellness routine, consisting of somatic stretch, mindfulness, neurofeedback, EMDR, massage, bilateral walking/nature walk, grounding, group sessions, and coaching, can work synergistically to reset the mind, body, and spirit.

Overall, the consultation will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of how the diverse modalities offered at the Resiliency Co. Retreat can work together to address your specific needs, promote holistic well-being, and guide you on a path towards greater personal and professional resilience. 

Going Beyond: Aftercare

The Resiliency Co. offers a comprehensive 4-week aftercare program taught by one of our coaches. It serves as a crucial component in the journey to sustained recovery and overall well-being. This program is intricately designed to provide individuals with the necessary tools, support, and guidance as they transition from their initial recovery phase back into their everyday lives.

Through a holistic approach, the aftercare program focuses on empowering individuals to cultivate a balanced and healthy lifestyle. By incorporating a neuro reset approach, clients are encouraged to find their unique equilibrium, both mentally and physically. The program aims to instill resilience, promote overall well-being, and inspire personal growth in each individual.

During the 4-week aftercare program, clients are provided with ongoing support that is essential for navigating the challenges and triumphs of the recovery journey. The program offers a range of holistic practices, therapeutic interventions, and personalized support to aid clients in maintaining their progress. By offering a blend of individualized support and group sessions, clients are equipped with the necessary skills to cope with stressors, triggers, and temptations in their daily lives.