School Based Services

At Resiliency Co., we are dedicated to supporting the mental health and emotional well-being of students. Our tailored programs address common challenges such as anxiety, academic pressure, and social-emotional development, ensuring students thrive both academically and emotionally.

Our Services Include:

  • Mental Health Education
    Reduce stigma, raise awareness, and equip students with tools for managing their mental well-being through workshops and training for students, teachers, and parents.

  • On-Site Counseling
    Accessible individual, group, and family counseling services tailored to meet the specific needs of students.

  • ERMHS Counseling
    Specialized support for students with IEPs, addressing both educational and mental health needs to foster a positive learning experience.

  • Wellness Programs
    Collaboration with schools to implement mindfulness, relaxation, and social-emotional learning activities that promote a nurturing environment.

Empowering Students for Success

Resiliency Co. is committed to providing students with the resources they need to navigate challenges, build resilience, and succeed in a supportive school community.