What People Are Saying

  • M.M.

    I have tried, what had felt like, everything under the sun. Including Therapy, EMDR, Mind Spotting, and WCPR. I am a big onion and while I have seen the above-mentioned work for some, I always felt left out or unfixable.

    When I heard about Resiliency Co, I got excited and was once again hopeful.

    After a week, 20 hours of Neurofeedback and fast-paced EMDR (much much better in my opinion). I can say I feel a change. My mind before I came in would never silence, I would try laying down to go to bed and I would experience 100 different thoughts. Now, I can silence the noise and fall asleep much quicker. This is amazing. I no longer feel like a hamster on the treadmill. I find myself smiling more and not over analyzing everything like I did previously. I feel free. I am seeing things differently as well. I see colors and dimensions and the beauty in what I am looking at.

    I would recommend this to anyone who has tried the above and feel as though they are a lost cause, you aren’t! I wish I could have skipped all the above and gone straight to Resiliency Co. Jill and everyone there are beautiful souls that care and take the time to find what works for you. I feel blessed beyond.

  • K.B.

    When I started the Resiliency Co. retreat, I wasn't expecting too much of a change. I mean, most of the time, we know ourselves, what behaviors we have, and how we control them. With this week-long intensive, I was shocked at my progress. It felt like my behaviors, emotions, and mannerisms, which I have struggled to fix, suddenly had a breakthrough. I found myself not so reactive, and more able to process what was happening in the moment. Each part of the week had great things and attributes about them , which, when combined, were the perfect mix of challenging oneself and healing one's inner self.

    With NeuroFeedback, I found my body to be very responsive. By day two, my energy and body pains had gone down. What is noteworthy about this is that it's not an insane difference, but rather a small change that makes you feel noticeably better. Over the week, this change got greater, and looking back at my beginning state, there was a noticeable gap in my energy levels, pain levels, and migraine frequency.

    With the EMDR sessions, they helped you mentally process. The emotional aspect of me came out way more. Something I have tried to tune into for years, yet somehow Jill ( and the mix of EMDR) was able to gently and quickly bring these past difficulties and trumas without a feeling of being overwhelmed or rushed in progress.

    Then there are the physical activities that are included. These looked like trauma release somatic (Yoga) classes, group discussions, and messages. I found this to be a lovely way to relieve all the tension and overall intensity from your body.

    Overall, if you are skeptical of the impacts, as I was, I want to say that this retreat seriously has results. There was so much growth, knowledge, and decompression that I got from this experience.

  • K.C.

    My Neuro-Reset experience was life changing! It helped me break free from spiraling out in those moments where stress was causing me to focus on my worst fears and instead focus on actually solving the problems that created the overwhelm in the first place.

  • A.R.

    Before my neuro-reset retreat I would wake up on the middle of the night feeling like an elephant was sitting on my chest from all the stress I had in my life. After neuro, I literally felt like something was unclogged in my brain and I have been sleeping like a baby ever since.